Austin Fowler:
Austin Fowler was born and raised in Dalton, GA. He is a graduate of Valdosta State University. He received his bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education, a master’s in Curriculum and Instruction, and an Educational Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership. He taught in the public school setting for seven years. During that seven years, he taught sixth-grade math and high school special education. In 2023, Austin transitioned into working full-time with House to House/Heart to Heart where he serves as the Project Coordinator. In the House to House School of Evangelism, he is the Administrator, Regional Instructor, and Co-Director of American Mission Campaigns. He is also a preacher of the Gospel. He fills in for congregations when needed and regularly teaches Bible classes at his home congregation (Riverbend Church of Christin Dalton, GA). Austin has made over 20 mission trips to Latin America, teaching and training teenagers how to reach the lost. During his free time, Austin enjoys going to Braves games and traveling to new places. Austin is a 2022 graduate of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism
Contact via email: or phone: (706) 537-0742.
Charles Harris:
Charles Harris is a 2011 graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching and has been preaching the gospel ever since. He is married to Anna, and they have a 16-year-old daughter, Tori. The Harris family is currently working with the Monroe church of Christ in Monroe, GA. Charles has preached in several states and has done some overseas mission work in Africa. He is thankful to be a Christian and desires to lead as many souls to Christ as he possibly can. Charles is a 2022 graduate of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism.
Contact via email: or phone: (870) 500-5535.

Dustin Dougherty:
My name is Dustin Dougherty. I am an evangelist laboring with the local congregation in Beloit, Kansas. In addition, I also hold a secular job and serve as a martial arts instructor. I grew up in the little town of Agra, Kansas, and attended the church of Christ there throughout my childhood. After being baptized in 2001, I have assisted the congregation in different capacities. I moved to Beloit for technical college in 2002, completed my courses, got married, and stayed. As a congregation, we watched the Back to the Bible course with the accompanying application videos during our mid-week services in late spring of 2020. I realized that using this approach and curriculum would help us reach the lost. Since implementing this program, we have developed a more evangelistic mindset. As a result, we have had more conversions in the past three years than the previous two decades combined. One of these conversions is my beloved wife. In 2022, I graduated from the basic and advanced levels of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism. I am also studying via World Video Bible School to expand my Bible knowledge as a formal student.
Contact via Facebook, email:, or phone: (785) 476-5687.
Eric Sykes:
My name is Eric Sykes. I was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1961. I graduated from Corliss High School in 1979 and enlisted in the US Air Force. I retired in 2004 as a Master Sergeant. I am first and foremost a Christian who happens to be a realtor. I married my high school sweetheart, Sandy Sykes, 40 years ago. We have two daughters, Erica and Iris, and one son, Jaumale, and five grandchildren. I was baptized on September 24, 1989. I am a member of the LaPlata church of Christ. I teach Bible study classes, preach when called upon, and train the saved to teach the lost. My focus is evangelism. I was introduced to the School of Evangelism in 2019, and since that time, I have conducted dozens of Bible studies, baptizing over 50 of my family, friends, and contacts made through the local congregation in the past few years. I am a 2022 graduate of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism.
Contact via email: or phone: (240) 603-7070.
John Garza:
I am a graduate of the Southwest School of Bible Studies (Class of 2013) and a 2022 graduate of the House to House School of Evangelism. I am married to my beautiful wife of five years, Rachel Garza, and we have a year-old toddler, Jack Garza. In 2014, I began preaching for small congregations that could not afford a full-time preacher. My first full-time work was in 2018 with the Johnson City Church of Christ. In 2022, I accepted the position as an associate at Southwest, with an emphasis on evangelism. Since then, we have had over 40 baptisms. It has been a great pleasure working with the members of the congregation in evangelism. In fact, it has been exciting to see many souls obey the gospel of Christ. It has been even more thrilling to see the enthusiasm and dedication of so many new soul-winners. For this reason, I am honored to train the saved to teach the lost.
Contact via email: or phone: (210) 818-5456.

Marlon Retana:
Marlon Retana was born in San José, Costa Rica, in 1980. He met Jacky Haughton in 2000, and they were married that same year. They are the parents of one son, Jonathan. Marlon obeyed the Gospel in February of 2011 and attended Memphis School of Preaching in 2014. In 2016, he graduated with a degree in Bible Studies, and in 2017, he added a degree in Missions. He has been active in the Lord ́s work in Panama and has been a guest speaker in the US, Costa Rica, and Colombia. He collaborated with several brotherhood works in the translation of sound doctrine materials into Spanish and currently serves as Director and Instructor of Escuela Biblica En Línea (, a ministry that works with World Video Bible School in bringing all their resources to the Spanish-speaking world. Marlon is a 2021 graduate of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism.
Contact via email:, website:, or social media: @iammarlonretana.

Tagiilima Esene Jr.
Tagiilima Esene Jr. (Lima) and his wife, Athena, are graduates of the Memphis School of Preaching. They have been married for 12 years and have six beautiful children. Lima served in the military as an infantry soldier in the U.S. Army Reserves and was deployed to Iraq with the 100th Battalion 442nd Infantry unit that is based in Fort Shafter, Honolulu. He also graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Chaminade University in Honolulu. He was born and raised in American Samoa and is fluent in the English and Samoan languages. Lima loves to study the Bible with anyone who seeks to know more from God’s Holy Word. He is open to discussions and challenging questions about the Bible. He is very passionate about the cause of Christ and has committed the remainder of his life to preaching the gospel of Christ. Lima enjoys fishing, playing sports, singing, playing the ukulele, and spending time in the outdoors with his family. If you are seeking the truth about salvation in Christ Jesus, you can make an appointment to have a personal Bible study with Lima. Lima is a 2022 graduate of the House to House/Heart to Heart School of Evangelism.
Contact via email: or call: (808) 861-2996.