Back to the Bible Survey
In order to be successful in teaching the lost, you must know where to begin on the roadmap to Heaven. This questionaire is designed to find out if the prospect is ready for "Back to the Bible" or if another study program would be more suitable. These questions are recommended prior to book 1, but at times may be delayed until book 3. The teacher may ask and even fill out the sheet as the prospect responds. The following example is how we normally introduce the survey.
John, have you ever given directions on how to arrive at your house? Would you give the same directions to a person from New York and from California? Why is there a difference if both of them are trying to reach the same destination? Isn't it important to know the point of origination if you are going to give them accurate instructions? In order to go to Heaven, we must know where we are located. Would you mind if I asked a few questions to ensure this study is right for you?
Believe the Bible
It is an answer to the most frequently asked questions during our evangelism seminars. How do you reach people who don't believe in God, the Bible, and Jesus? As society changes, the church must be mindful of where people are located in religious thought. When I was growing up, most people believed in God and respected the Bible. Therefore, using a personal Bible study method like “Back to the Bible” or “Does It Matter” was perfect. This is no longer true in some segments of society. This "Pre-Bible" study will allow us to reach millions of people who we have largely avoided and bring them to the Cross.
BTB is simple to teach and easy to understand. Each lesson begins with areas of general agreement and develops the theme through reason and common sense. The three booklets are broken down into the following:
- BTB A: Affirmation of God
- BTB B: Bible Inspiration
- BTB C: Christ, who is He?
Back to the Bible Lesson Books
Back to the Bible is a three-booklet study method designed for personal Bible study. It was developed by the late Brother Bobby Bates. It is simple to use with fill in the blank and Yes or No answers. It is scriptural as all answers come from the text. It is successful as those who use it report over a 90% conversion rate. This method is taught by Brother Rob Whitacre in his seminar's and evangelistic Gospel meetings.
Personal Evangelism Materials
The Personal Evangelism Workbook is a compilation of notes and charts from over twenty-five years of personal evangelism experience. It contains several chapters regarding how to get into and conduct a successful Bible study.
The Personal Evangelism DVD (two-disc set) provides the viewer the opportunity to observe an actual study in which Rob Whitacre will use the principles he teaches in his seminar.
Disc 1 will teach you how to become a successful soul winner. This five-lesson seminar will encourage and teach the viewer to effectively reach lost souls using God's Word and proven methods.
Disc 2 (A Personal Bible Study). A reenactment of the Back to the Bible three-lesson evangelism study. He will deal with difficult questions and present several closings.